Lectors are lay people who have received instruction and training and are commissioned by the parish to help in proclaiming the readings during the Liturgy of the Word.
Ministers sign-up to read at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Holy Days but are assigned to the regular schedule of Masses on a rotating basis.
Contact the rectory to schedule an interview and begin the application process.
Holy Communion Ministers are lay men and women who have received instruction and training and are commissioned by the parish to help the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Communion Rite at Mass.
This ministry also includes bringing Holy Communion to the sick or homebound of our parish community.
Ministers sign-up to serve at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Holy Days and are assigned to the regular schedule of Masses on a rotating basis.
For more information, please call the rectory, 973-427-1478.
Altar Servers may be boys or girls who are in the fourth grade or higher and who have received instruction and training for assisting the priest during liturgy.
Like Lectors and Holy Communion Ministers, Altar Servers sign-up to serve at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Holy Days and are assigned to the schedule of Masses on a rotating basis.
Please note: All Liturgical Ministers may request to be assigned to the same Mass as their family members,
who may be an Altar Server, Holy Communion Minister, or Lector.